Push Notifications Part 1.

Joseph Ridge
2 min readJul 27, 2021
image of mobile phone receiving notifications

What if you could tap the shoulders of a hundred people at the exact same time ?Cool right? now what about to an exponential of 3 ? Sorcery ? No, Notifications ,YES!


When it comes to software programs designed and built for people, their lifespans are highly affected by the frequency of interaction with the client. Having in mind the system is the main link between the clients and the company or business.

Hence the necessity of notifications. Notifications are simply messages displayed outside the app-UI. They are commonly used to trigger/show reminders or convey messages(snippets) to the client application , however (in my opinion), their core goal is to allow the client to navigate back to the application easily.

Since their wake in the year 2009, courtesy of engineers from Apple, they have had a great impact on many businesses in out/the ecosystem, especially in terms of product improvement and sale conversions. Hence businesses and many developers used and still use notifications to engage the clients/ application users for example through, reminders or timely operations among others.

In the next part of this article we will be implementing Simple Push Notifications using the following tools :

  • Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM uses the infrastructure of GCM ).
  • Android Studio IDE.
  • Postman ( Test and use it to build our back-end request).

Image credits : Photo by Cristian Dina from Pexels

Thank you and see you in part 2.



Joseph Ridge

Software Engineer| Data Scientist | Artist (visual) | Rider| . #Live_Love_Laugh